Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week in Review 1/27/13


 Guess who's healthy?! That guy. That smiley guy. And thank goodness. Not a moment too soon. (of course, as I type this, he has a runny nose again...but I'm going to ignore that.) I got sick as Jack got better unfortunately so we didn't have the most exciting, event-filled, week. None the less, there were pictures taken and I am sharing them. :)

bath time fun, as usual

making daddy proud...Detroit Basketball!

sick, sick, and more sick

making the most out of the cold weather...sweater time!

hanging with his friend Genevieve

babysitting Genevieve and trying to feed two kids at once...Genevieve isn't impressed

peekaboo at the park

climbing with his friend Owen

"baby tomatoes!"

his new favorite place in the house...the kitchen counter

he spends hours here every day

no, seriously, he really does

grandma and jack

stacking cups

happy to be healthy!  now time for a haircut.

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