Friday, June 7, 2013

Jack reads his favorite book

The past few weeks I've noticed that Jack prefers grabbing some books from me and "reading" them to me himself.  Obviously he has just memorized them but it is so damn adorable.  He has this series of Mo Willems books that he absolutely adores and I finally caught him on video on day reading "I Broke My Trunk".

I assume this very long 2 1/2 minute video is solely entertaining to grandparents but I'll let you make the call.  :)



  1. This grandma loved it. Thanks!

  2. so cute and obviously amazing! a BIG sister! i'm like, is that a fat joke?? ;)

    our newest e&p addition is "are you ready to play outside?" do you have that one? it's a goodie.

  3. This is so awesome!!! I love how much he appreciates the story. AND he's such an expressive reader :)

    Those books are great. I can't get over how crazy We Are in a Book is. Postmodern lit for tots.
