Saturday, March 12, 2011

Today Jack is...3 weeks old

Three weeks of age and Jack is getting more and more alert. He enjoys looking at the bright wall decorations in his nursery and he is making eye contact with me and John. The best part of any day is when he's in his light sleep and breaks into a giant smile. Must be having amazing dreams about nursing or getting swaddled. Unfortunately, his title of champion sleeper will have to be revoked as he's only been sleeping about an hour at a time during the night. Makes for some very exhausted parents who aren't sure what they can do to fix it.

Jack still doesn't adore sponge baths but his love of the bouncy ball and lamb swing continues. Mainly he just likes to be held and he's had no shortage of volunteers with grandparents and aunts around. He'll wake up every now and then and stretch and flail his hands about but he can go right back to sleep. His dad is an expert at calming him down, usually by singing indie rock songs. I caught him singing "You Shook Me All Night Long" with a Scottish accent the other day and he defended his choice saying it was the indie rock Arab Strap version. Jack bought it but I'm not sure...

"My right hand is so fast that you'll never be able to capture it on film!"

1 comment:

  1. That top photo is another great pose. And good luck with the sleeping. Even if things don't even out for a while, they'd probably change somehow - babies like to keep us on our toes that way.

    And I look forward to the release of John's album of favorite lullabies. It sounds awesome.
