Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So, I'm new to this whole baby thing and I know people throw around the word "teething" too much, but I feel like something's going on with the little guy. He's drooling like a crazy person and constantly gnawing on his hands and all the teething rings I give him. I can't really feel a tooth breaking through but, nonetheless, I think it's coming. There's also the delightful fact that he's started biting me...and HARD...when he's nursing. I am hoping this doesn't get worse and worse...


  1. Johnny did the same thing when he was about Jack's age. Thank God he didn't have teeth when he was biting me because it hurt enough without them!! He also drooled A LOT starting at around 3 months and put his hands (and everything within reach) in his mouth around 4 months. He didn't get his first tooth until 9 months. I read somewhere that babies start drooling a lot when they start putting things in their mouths because the saliva fights infection and cleanses whatever they object they have chosen to gnaw on. Makes sense to me.

  2. I agree - that does sound like teething, and when Simon started, I couldn't really feel/see any teeth for a while. Hopefully it won't cause Jack any pain (it didn't seem to bother Simon at all) and he'll learn not to bite while nursing. Simon did that a few times and I think my surprised reaction conditioned him pretty quickly not to do it anymore.

  3. I hope the biting is short-lived. Leo goes through vampiric phases and I think he totally digs the reaction. I just try to grit my teeth if he bites, and then set him down for a minute and try to ignore him.

  4. Lilly's doing the exact same thing. Drool, biting us, and putting her fists in her mouth. She even attacked my face on Sunday. She's also a little crabbier. Not all the time, but maybe an hour or two where she doesn't want a bottle and doesn't want to sleep. We have teethers and Tylenol on hand. G

  5. I would bet he's teething even if they haven't cut through the gum yet :)

  6. Reading Karen's comment, I'm reminded that my nephew Nate thought it was hysterical when my sister reacted to his biting while nursing (to be fair, he apparently had very sharp teeth). My surprised reaction was to immediately unlatch Simon, which he never liked, being as averse to change as he is.

  7. So what I'm hearing is that my reaction to biting shouldn't be to scream the F word like I've been doing. Got it. :)
