Monday, March 7, 2011

Top 10 essentials for the first two weeks

We were lucky enough to get a lot of baby gear prior to Jack's arrival. I know it will all come in handy at some point as he gets older. But the first two weeks we were so out of it (we still are), it was so nice to have these things at hand. Some of our essentials...

1. The Fisher-Price My Little Lamb swing

We weren't sure the swing would work but the lil' guy loves it. He'll nap in there for hours during the day. We set the swing motion on low which is still frighteningly intense. But he likes it.

2. Zip-up footed pajamas
We have a lot of super cute outfits that are pants, shirts, sweatshirts, etc. But in the infancy of our parenthood, we didn't want to deal with things going over his head and pants, etc. So our savior has been the zip-up pajamas. Sure, he still goes through about 3 a day since he pees all over them, but they are so easy to get on and off.

3. Fisher-Price Bouncer Seat

This little seat vibrates which Jack seems to love. We can pull it up next to the dining room table and stick him in there while we attempt to eat dinner before he wakes up. And it usually works!

4. Cloth diapers as burp cloths
We go through so many burp cloths a day and these cloth diapers are perfect for the task of wiping up spit-up. And we have so many that we can station them in every room of the house so they're always within arm's reach.

5. Snuggle Nest within the Arm's Reach Mini Co-Sleeper

We got a co-sleeper for little Jack and we've had to make a few adjustments. I'm sure all of these fall under the "unsafe" category but he seems okay. First, we had the co-sleeper attached to the bed with a strap but I quickly changed that. Trying to shimmy out of bed a few days after giving birth was hysterical. I couldn't stand the damn thing in my way. So we detached it from the bed and now we just move it close to the bed when he's sleeping and push it away when I need to get out of bed. That was step one. But he still didn't like the co-sleeper. I think it was too big and cold for him. So when the lactation consultant came over and saw our snuggle nest, she said it was the best for newborns. The snuggle nest is meant to be put in bed between mom and dad, but our queen size bed combined with two large bodies and 10 pillows doesn't really have room for such a thing. So we had the genius idea of putting the snuggle nest in the co-sleeper. It's worked pretty well. I think he feels more nestled in now. He still only sleeps in there about 60% of the night, but that 60% is way worth it.
(You'll also notice that he's sleeping on his side, not his back. Yeah, I know that's terrible. But we wedge him in so he can't rollover and some "experts" said it was okay.)

6. Glider/Recliner
We got a glider that I absolutely love for the nursery. It's become breastfeeding central because it's the only super comfortable place that I can breastfeed because it has back support. The couch is okay and the bed is pretty dreadful. But this chair in the nursery is fantastic. And if I'm super tired, I can just recline after a feeding and fall asleep with him on my chest. (In a perfect world where he hasn't pee'd through his diaper or started crying.)

7. Summer Infant SwaddleMe
These pre-formed swaddling blankets are the best. They are ready to go with velcro tabs so they're perfect for parents with, um, less than professional swaddling skills. We still use a regular old blanket during the day and do our makeshift swaddle... but for serious straightjacket purposes at night, we use the SwaddleMe.

8. Grandparents

We've been lucky enough to have my mom help us the first week and John's parents visit from Pennsylvania for the second and third weeks. Without their help we would never be able to take showers, eat home-cooked meals, or get laundry done. Let alone do some of the home projects that John's dad is tackling. Yes, we're super lucky.

9. Total Baby iPhone app
Wow. This has been a lifesaver. I should have made this number one on the list (but I'm too tired to go back and redo it.) I spent $4.99 on this app which users claimed was the best one out there. They were right. It's been our bible for two weeks. It tracks breastfeeding (left/right, how long), bottles, dirty diapers, wet diapers, sleeping, crying, baths, etc. At any time I can push a button and see how long it's been since he's fed. When I'm bleary-eyed at 3am, I can just push "start" when I start breastfeeding and it'll track how long I do it. Every doctor, nurse, and lactation consultant has asked to see our breastfeeding log or diaper log, so I've been so grateful to have this. Can't imagine doing it with actual pen and paper.

10. Exercise Ball

Before we had Jack, every mother told me I had to have a bouncy ball. So I went to Target and spent $8 on an exercise ball. Sure, I could have duplicated the motion manually but those squats would have been too much exercise. :-) The ball was the best $8 we've ever spent. The little guy LOVES bouncing on the ball and it's the only guaranteed method to soothe him, day or night. It's a miracle. Excuse the poor quality of the video, but you get to see John demonstrate the magic of bouncing.


  1. Isn't it amazing all of the crap you need to take care of less-than-10-pound human? I guess you don't need it, but technology certainly makes life easier! You guys seem to be handling all this like pros!

  2. We swore by the exercise ball with both of my girls!!! It was the only way to get them to sleep in the beginning! My girls weren't fond of swings or the vibrating chair but that ball was a lifesaver. You are doing great!!!

  3. Not sure we're doing great OR handling it like pros, but thank you for the nice comments! :-)
