Monday, May 9, 2011

First Mother's Day

Yesterday our little family celebrated our first mother's day. Well, more accurately I suppose MY first mother's day. It was a great day. I'd like to say that the little guy slept 8 hours in a row for me but, no, he slept his usual 3 hours and then another 2 or so. But, my awesome husband made breakfast for me bright and early to start the day off right. A little later, father and son surprised me with a great present. I saw John push the stroller around the corner with this surprise.

Jack was a little dubious about being covered in flowers but he held it together. He even managed to present me with this cool frame full of pics.

And, because it was Mother's Day, I figured why not have a few firsts? Crazily enough, Jack took his first bottle. Sure, he would only take it from me (not helpful) and only take it while I soothed him while bouncing on a ball (guess we have to take the ball EVERYWHERE) but, still! What a milestone. He finally took it. The kid certainly is picky and stubborn.

The other first was a putting Jack forward-facing in the Baby Bjorn!

He loved this. He was fussy and mad we were taking him to Vons and once he got in there and could see the whole store and all the pretty aisles of food, he was great. What a champ. (and, no, he didn't seem scarred or anxious). ;-)

Thanks to my amazing husband for making my first mother's day very special. I can't believe this time last year I had NO idea that mother's day would have a new meaning for me in 2011.

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