Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blog fodder

Well, I figure the next few days will go so well that it will be fun to blog about OR it will be so horrifically bad that it will make for a very comical blog post. You see, today we are taking our first flight. Across the country. Almost 6 hours. I have been stressing about this trip. (to be clear, only about the flying...we are all very excited what will happen when we land.) The thing is, Jack isn't a great candidate for flying. He hates sitting in my lap. He hates sitting still. In times of trouble, the one thing that calms him down is walking around outside. He is hard to get down for a nap. See what I mean? And to make matters worse, yesterday I had my worst day with him since he was a newborn. He cried and was fussy all day. I fed him like crazy but it got to the point where he was refusing nursing. Something was bothering him and since he didn't have a fever, I can only assume it's teething. Though there's no tooth in sight. But he was just miserable yesterday so I am so scared of the plane.

Oh, and did I mention that I hate flying? I'm not frightened of it but I get incredibly sick. I usually just combat this with Dramamine. The ol' world wide web seems to think that this is okay to take while breastfeeding, though there was some disagreement. So at Jack's last appointment I asked his pediatrician if it was okay. Much to my dismay, she said no. My mind panicked so, half jokingly (but half seriously) I threw out "...a glass or two of wine then...?" She didn't answer for a moment but then realized I wanted an answer. Looking at me like I was the worst mom ever she said, "No." So, no drugs, no sleeping, no nothing for me. I find it hysterical that besides dealing with a crying baby, I could also be vomiting in one of those lovely white bags. Good times.

But something has happened over the last few days. I've stopped being pessimistic about it. I am thinking that Jack will be okay. Sure, he's a baby so there will be some crying. But I'm hoping it's just normal crying rather than total meltdown for 5 hours. Only time will tell. And of course I'll let you know how it goes. Even if there is vomiting.

(And of course because I'm a little bit crazy, I've scheduled my usual 5 for Friday post and Jack's weekly birthday post for Saturday. So we won't miss a beat! Keep checking in.)


  1. Thinking of you! I hope the flight goes well. (And for future reference, just have a glass of wine. Seriously - you'll be fine. And so will your kid. And your milk.)

  2. Oh good luck with the flight and try to stay calm and hopefully the baby will pick up on that and if all else fails there are always nice old ladies who would adore a cuddle inflight (from Jack, not you lol) while you vomit :)
    Have a good time!!
