Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back to the bath

Well, I am happy to say that Jack is back to enjoying the bath. (Although that picture doesn't quite capture his exuberance.) He splashes around and kicks and seems surprised every time the water splashes up in his face. I'm so happy that he bounced back and is enjoying it again. My only problem is that now that he's sitting up like a big boy in the tub, I can't figure out how exactly to wash his hair. My method so far has just been to do it sitting up and he starts crying because the water drips down into his eyes. When I try to lean him back he cries some more. Any good advice? If not, I'll just continue my current method and endure the crying.


  1. Hooray! I'm glad he's gotten used to the bath again!

    I'd say just keep on doing what you're doing. I think we spent way too long trying to keep the water out of Simon's eyes because of the crying and it allowed him to stay squeamish about getting his face wet (esp. in the pool) - and the older they get, the harder it is to break these habits.

  2. We just dump water right over Ethan's head. He seems startled by it, but there is never any crying. It does help that he is usually distracted by his toys...

  3. Leo learned to tip his head back--after Dada got in the tub with him and showed him how.

  4. I have Alice look up at something and pour water on so that it falls backward and doesn't get soap on her eyes. I was her hair last, just before she gets out of the tub. I make sure to pour lots of water on her head during the entire bath time to get her hair really wet and to make her comfortable with water on her face. She doesn't really mind the water unless I do two rounds too close together and she can't breathe. The soap in her eyes bugs her so I try to keep that off her face!

  5. Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll try it soon and see how jack does. :)

  6. yay! chiming in late yet again to say that i also try to get violet to lean her head back for the big shampoo rinse. she is not a fan. i have been asking her to lean her head back FOREVER and she finally seems to get it these days.
