Friday, February 17, 2012

Five for Friday: Essentials for Jack's first year

5. Baby Bjorn - This help me survive a lot of months when Jack hated his stroller, car seat, and couldn't ride in a shopping cart

4. White noise - Any sleep aid is a good thing

3. Fisher Price Laugh n' Learn table - Out of all of his toys, this is the one he's played with most

2. Upholstered recliner/glider - I've spent many many hours napping with the boy in this chair

1. Exercise Ball - I don't want to tell you how many hours I've logged on the evil ball

1 comment:

  1. i'll chime in with my top 5 for violet's first year, although at 17 months, i have to admit it's hard to remember already.

    5. google
    4. mortimer the moose and his brethren for car rides
    3. moby wrap / bjorn
    2. paci
    1. my own boobs
