Friday, July 16, 2010

Today I am...10 weeks pregnant.

Ahh, double digits! How exciting. This is for real. A few things of note this past week. One, John and I went to see a genetic counselor. There was no real cause of alarm but John and I were both concerned about the history of down syndrome in his family. So our OB suggested we go see a genetic counselor. They assured us with some info that I sort of already knew…that something like 95% of down syndrome is not genetic and is just a complete anomaly that happens at the moment of conception. So that made us feel better, slightly. But I guess you can always worry about something.

We had dinner with our awesome friends, Stacey and Kevin this week. We were planning on telling them early because a) she’s pregnant and I need someone to compare notes with! and b) I stole her doctor so I figured I should tell her. So we sprung the news at the beginning of dinner and they acted surprised but turns out, she had an inkling already. A few days before we had missed each other in the doctor’s office by about 5 minutes. She had signed in at the front desk and, as it turns out, after 20 plus years of friendship, my handwriting jumped out at her and she saw my name. Sort of a dead giveaway I guess but I could have been there for another reason. Anyways, now the girls who grew up together will have babies only 6 months apart. Funny how life turns out.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

How far along: 10 weeks

Baby Development: He or she is about the size of a kumquat. As I have no idea what a kumquat looks like, I’ll go with the easier to visualize 1 inch measurement. He’s also got most of the basics of his organs developed. Time to start downing diet coke and sushi and feta cheese?! No, I guess not.

Baby Movement: Are you kidding? It’s too early for that.

Water Intake: I am getting good at this 8 cups a day thing.

Best Moment of the Week: Probably telling the Lynns over, what else, Mexican food.

Current baby/pregnancy worry: Let’s see…Down Syndrome, deafness, autism, miscarriage…you name it.

Symptoms: Pretty much more of the same. Nausea and the added benefit of a sort of indigestion or taste of vomit in my throat. How fun.

Sleep Quality: I think it’s pretty good so far.

Food Cravings: Chai Latte. I can’t have them all the time but it has a small enough amount of caffeine that I can indulge once in a while.

What I miss: Being able to drink around friends rather than doing the “fake order”. Usually a vodka tonic with no vodka. But the lime really sells it.

What I’m Looking Forward to: Watching my belly grow!

Trying to get done before baby: Seeing as many friends and family as possible before our life changes.

John's POV: "I know the size of a kumquat. The first house I lived in when I moved to LA had a kumquat tree outside our front door. Then our one dumbass roommate dumped a 'bad' tank of gasoline onto it. (A storm drain not being accessible at the time.) Tree died within a week. Hopefully I have better common sense than this with my child. Like don't set your child on a lit oven range while making a martini. I'm starting big picture on childcare. Get the easy rules down first."

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