Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First outing

Yesterday Jack had his first outing. The special destination was the pediatrician's office for his standard 3 day check-up. He's so tiny that the car seat almost swallowed him up.

Of course, he was looking tinier than before we thought. And the previous 10 hours or so, he had refused to really breastfeed and was just so so upset all the time. His lips were really chapped and, upon further investigation, his mouth and tongue were super dry. So thank goodness we happened to have a doctor's appointment right then. The doctor was wonderful (so glad we chose her pre-birth). She told us that he had lost about a pound since birth which was more than she wanted to see and that he was dehydrated. As my milk hasn't come in yet, he wasn't getting anything to eat and that's why he was so upset and didn't want to bother with the breast. I don't blame him. So Doc suggested that we would have to supplement with formula to have him gain some weight. The mere mention of formula was somewhat upsetting. After nine months of reading how much better breastmilk was than formula, it was disheartening to hear that we would have to use formula. But she assured us that he would be able to go back to breastfeeding once my milk comes in. We'll see what happens. But it was hard to argue with the immediate results of him getting some food. His color got back to normal, his lips immediately began to be moist again, and he stopped crying for hours. So, what's best for Jack is best for everyone. :-) Especially since it allowed us to get some more sleep.

Jack had his follow-up appointment this morning and we're happy to report he gained a whole 5 ounces overnight! Not back up to birth weight or even to hospital discharge weight, but we're getting there!


  1. The mere mention of formula by a pediatrician is TOTALLY disheartening, I hear ya. I'm sure he'll be a breastfeeding champ once you're ready though. A few ounces of formula for a couple of days won't hurt anyone. :)

  2. That is such a great sleepy picture.

  3. oh sweet baby--what a hard first dr. visit! Y'all hang in there, sounds like Jack's catching up just fine.

  4. He'll be fine for however long you have him on formula. I know plenty of babies that were only formula fed and they didn't turn out obese/asthmatic/unpopular like some of the more rabid breast feeding proponents would have you believe.

  5. I remember bursting into tears at this point in mijo's life. He supplemented for a day because I got WAY too much milk too soon. I was so engorged that he couldn't latch and screamed at the breast the first night after we got home from the hospital.

    Glad to hear Jack's doing so much better now with breastfeeding. If you can make it a month, it becomes second nature.

  6. Breastfeeding is such a great experience and if it doesnt workout you have to remember that formula is good too. The point is the bonding that happens during those feedings. Enjoy every one of them even the 2 am ones. He is so cute.....takes back after both you guys!!!!!
