Saturday, April 2, 2011

Today Jack is...6 weeks old.

Six weeks old and it really hit us this week how much he's grown. He's feeling markedly heavier as I carry him around all day and he's much longer. Of course, that means more exercise I guess which is great because today I put on a pair of my old jeans. Woohoo! They're tight but it's an accomplishment. We can now hold Jack over our shoulder like a real kid and not a tiny newborn. His head control is decent. It would probably be better but Mommy can't stand tummy time because all the little guy does is scream. So tummy time lasts about 60 seconds and then it's over. But while the pediatrician and every website insists that you do it for a long time each day, I maintain that I'm sure babies in Africa aren't getting their mandatory "tummy time" and guess what? They'll still learn how to lift their heads. As will Jack. Sort of a human inevitability. I hope...

The lil' one kicked off the week with the cutest day ever and it was all downhill from there. I've read that 6 weeks is the peak of fussiness and I really hope that's true. He's only sleeping a couple hours a night and now, when he wakes for a feeding, he is so alert and it is very hard to get him back to sleep. Last night at his 1am feeding it took an hour and 45 minutes to get him down again. Mom and Dad were not happy. Myself more so and thank god John is there to teach me a little something called "patience". It's eluded me these 32 years but I guess I have to embrace it.

At six weeks he's starting to respond to us more. Meaning he really looks at us, smiles back at us (rather than random smiles), and is maybe starting to imitate our movements (spastic dance moves). He still won't take a pacifier and spits up what seems like most of the milk he drinks, but he's clearly gaining weight. He's still not quite interested in toys or holding anything, but hopefully that changes soon. Nighttime baths are routine now but he's still stuck somewhere between a happy and mad state in the water. Like a bewildered cautious optimism. I don't blame him. The bouncing ball is still the only guaranteed way to soothe him and, sadly, some days I think I spend a good 5 hours on the ball. I'm worried we're training him to only calm down with that bouncing motion but, like most things, I don't really care. When the baby is screaming, I'll do whatever I can to make it stop.

And now, pictures!

These pictures are keeping it real. He isn't always adorable. This was a popular look this week.

He likes to bounce on the ball right next to the big french doors because he's mesmerized by the outside.

My focus is not good. Or this may be a really good RayBan ad.

Love the whispy grandpa hair.


  1. Tummy time is a great idea and I really wish Simon had liked it, but he totally hated it. (I think part of his problem was his massive head. It was seriously enormous.) I think you're smart for not getting too invested in making Jack do it if he doesn't like it.

    And nice work on getting into the jeans - I don't think I even tried to wear my pre-pregnancy pants again until the fall after Simon was born, though that may have also been because it seemed like I basically wore pajamas for the first three months of his life.

  2. Lisa-Jack's patterns sound SO similar to Lucas. 6 weeks killed me!!! And YES...Jay and I can both commiserate with the frustration and difficulty of a newborn not going back down to sleep after a feeding during the night. We CRIED A LOT! or I did any ways. All I can say is it does get better and you will survive, even if you think the lack of sleep with kill you. Have you tried holding Jack in the football hold? Lucas loved that for weeks. and running water? Also a huge success!!

  3. Has there ever been a teeny one who has liked tummy time??? We counted carrying Leo on his tummy as tummy time, plus I made sure to flip him over after every diaper change while I redressed him. Jack will be fine--don't let all the mama natter on the internet get under your skin!
