Yesterday was John's last day off before starting a new job so we thought we'd make the most of it. Apparently "making the most" of a free day in Los Angeles includes going to a mall. But not any mall, the Grove. I don't even think it counts as a mall. More like an outdoor extravaganza filled with a dancing fountain, a trolley, and an outdoor farmer's market. Sadly, Mario Lopez and "Extra" were on hiatus so we didn't get to see them filming on Main Street. All John really wanted was to say what's up to Slater.
Anyways, Jack's nap was cut short as we drove down there so most of the trip he sat in his stroller with a wide-eyed tiredness. Which was fine with me. Sedate is good in public!
We got to eat at our favorite establishment in the farmer's market and man, have I missed those Loteria tacos. Delicious.
And as long as we were there and it was 80 degress (as if I needed an excuse), I decided to follow that up with my favorite ice cream from the Bennett's Ice Cream stand - Fancy Nancy (coffee ice cream with banana and chocolate). Of course, I devoured it before I could take a picture. Classic Lisa, if I do say so myself.
After that we headed through the mall to the fountain so Jack could check it out. I figured he would like it as it combined two of his favorite things, music and water. John dutifully pushed the stroller along with the many many other parents and their kids. Our stroller may not have cost 900 bucks like some of the others, but it still did the job.
I think Jack was intrigued by the fountain but there certainly wasn't any gleeful gasps or anything. But again, he was exhausted.
After a lovely afternoon we packed it in and strapped the little guy in the car seat. Before I could get through the second round of the current camp song on rotation, he was passed out. Good job Jackie!