Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trains, Trains, Everywhere

This weekend the little guy was lucky enough to get a train table.  John's boss was trying to get rid of his since his son had outgrown it.  As Jack seems to love every train table we come across, I was excited to see how he liked it.  

So far he really enjoys playing with it.  He likes pushing the trains down the inclines and through the bridges.  Of course, he also likes pulling apart the tracks and knocking things down but I suppose he'll grow out of that.  

Our living room is now half consumed by a very large train table that doesn't exactly match the decor.  But seeing the delight on his face makes it all worth it.   

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Week in Review - 5/26/12

Our little guy was kept busy this week by his visiting grandparents.  In fact, they tired him out day after day.

He is almost healthy but he's got this nagging cough and congestion in his lungs.  Oh well.  At least his nose isn't running constantly.  He was finally healthy enough to go to his fun class and he did some painting.  For the first time he didn't eat the paintbrush and managed to "paint" on his paper!  

Okay, mommy is also tired from a long day so here are the rest of the pics from the week!

exploring holding crayons!

more dirt

his new favorite game...playing in the pack n play

Friday, May 25, 2012

Five for Friday: Best things about hosting grandparents

In honor of my in-laws who are in town and staying with us, here is my list of top 5 best things about having some of Jack's grandparents in town... (Obviously excluding one of the best things, their company. But that's boring.)

5.  I can shower every morning.

4.  Coffee is made and smelling delicious when I get up in the morning.

3.  I can run errands and go shopping without a squirming unhappy toddler in the cart.

2. If Jack is whining and grumpy I can walk away and leave him with Grammy.  :)

1.  Babysitter for fun nights out!
     Like last night when I got to go to a fun dinner/drinks with about 30 fellow moms.  In honor of mother's day we even had a raffle and I won something!  Very exciting.  Here is a pic from outside the private room they put us in so we wouldn't disturb the normal (and much quieter) diners.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

15 Month Doctor's Visit


 Another pretty standard doctor check-up. Two shots this time and, apparently, once he's a year old they stop sticking him in his legs and move on to his arms. Poor guy. To make it up to him I let him run through the sprinklers with his band-aids on his arms. 

 The little guy is growing like a weed...or a sumo wrestler. I expressed worry that he has gained a good bit of weight probably because he only eats bread and cheese. But she assured me that he had grown a lot in length so not to worry. His weight jumped from the 25th to the 50th percentile and his height from the 50th to the 75th. 

 The main topic of the day was his speech...or lack thereof. We went over the fact that he babbles all day and that he seems to understand what I'm saying (follows simple directions, points out things in books, etc.) She said she's happy with his eye contact and smiles and that, basically, there is nothing to worry about. Looks like he may just be a late talker. And while he's definitely way behind the norm, there are plenty of stories of toddlers who don't talk until after they turn 2. So, here we are. I can't really do anything besides what I'm doing. I'm sure eventually he'll start saying some coherent words. He definitely thinks he's talking to me all day, I just don't understand him. One day he'll focus all the energy he puts into throwing dirt and climbing and running into his verbal skills. 

 And here are his stats: 

 Height - 32 inches (75th percentile) 
Weight - 24 lbs. 6 oz. (50th percentile)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Like father, like son

I'm sure John would have been happy if we had had a girl.  But, at the same time, having a boy has afforded him many amazing moments.  I'm sure one he's been waiting for since last February was this... showing him the joys of Converse.  Like father like son.  Pretty adorable.

Monday, May 21, 2012

2nd Haircut: Mission Accomplished


 Well, see those long locks? Those curls in back? They are gone. At first I was sad. But over the past two days his new haircut has really grown on me. He certainly enjoyed the little police car chair. And, though this picture may say otherwise, he was thrilled to get a balloon at the end.


 He looks older to me and just pretty different with short hair. I may miss the longer locks but I know it'll grow back very quickly. And now his Pop-Pop won't say he looks like a hippie. ;-)


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week in Review - 5/19/12


 Another full week of Jack dealing with being sick but he managed a few good moods. I mean, check out that smile. To brighten his day, Aunt Leslie dropped by with her dog Pepe and he was seriously excited. So cute.



 Pepe was nice enough to let Jack follow him around and pet him. His other favorite activity this week was stacking stuff up, or putting things in his cart, or organizing his things. He loves taking his squeeze snacks out of the kitchen drawer and stacking them up on the table. Good times.



He is enjoying Sesame Street videos quite a bit. Elmo's Song is his favorite and I certainly have it memorized.


 And, of course, his love of water supersedes anything else. Especially when he gets to run through the sprinklers with daddy.



 And now more pics from the week!

playing with dirt...there is nothing better.

after a hard day's swim

he falls asleep so easily in the car now.  it's awesome.

inside the bouncy house for the first time

opening all kinds of doors

Saturday, May 19, 2012

15 Months Old!


 Oh man, truthfully I don't even know if any of these photos are worth posting. He is sick as a dog, seriously needs a haircut, and really really didn't want to do a photoshoot. But good ol' evil mom pressed ahead and made him sit there. He looks a bit rough though. Hopefully I'll remember that he was sick when I look back at these pics. Here he is, my 15 month old!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pink Eye

On top of Jack's completely awful cold and wet cough, we've added pink eye.  He woke up yesterday with a swollen pink-colored eye so off to the doctor we went.  He's got his prescription eyedrops now but I'm not sure how to stop him from rubbing his snotty nose and then rubbing his eyes.  But we're muddling through.  Just want him to get healthy so we can resume our play dates and normal schedule.  And hopefully get his smiley happy demeanor back.  Because that kid in the photo above?  He's not that fun.